Don’t Be Fake: Your Are What You Are Eating

I received an email the other day from the JCC Osher Marin Health & Fitness Director reminding me about Super Foods.  Anything that is a good source of fiber, is high in anti-oxidants, helps reduce heart disease, and lower your calorie intake is considered a Super Food.

Almost a year ago I began posting entries about a book I was reading, The Abs Diet for Women. The book talked about such foods and came up with a clever acronym to remember these foods by:


A = Almonds and other nuts (not sugared nuts!)

B = Beans and legumes (not refried beans — they have too much bad fat)

S = Spinach and other greens

D = Dairy (fat-free or low-fat stuff — and watch for the high-fructose corn syrup in flavored dairy!)

I = Instant oatmeal (unsweetened, so don’t buy the flavored stuff)

E = Eggs

T = Turkey and other lean meats (yes, you can east steak still and ground beef; just choose lean)

P = Peanut butter (not Jiffy or Skippy, which is filled with sugar and stuff)

O = Olive oil

W = Whole grain bread and cerels (no white bread or packages that just say ‘wheat’ — must say whole wheat)

E = Extra protein, which is whey and can be found at the health food store

R = Raspberries and other berries (sprinkle on oatmeal to bring back the flavor of lost additives!)

An even simpler way to remember Super Foods is to question whether or not what you are eating is a fake food.

I loved Zinczenko’s book — he’s an editor at Men’s Health. Here are some of the topics about  I covered about healthy eating:

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4 Responses to “Don’t Be Fake: Your Are What You Are Eating”

  1. Hannah Says:

    What a fantastic list! Another book that is really great on the subject of good foods vs. not so great foods is Michael Pollan’s “In Defense of Food”. The majority of the book talks about the difference between a food, and a nutrient, and why one is better for you than the other.

    Awesome read! And, the blog is fabulous. Very, very wonderful (speaking as a lifeguard and swim instructor, of course)!

    • Tina Ramser Says:

      Thanks Hannah! Great book. I also really liked Real Food by Nina Planck and a, reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Kingslover.

  2. Back to The Abs Diet: Bad Fats & Carbohydrates « squidkid. Says:

    […] work. They leave you famished, angry and defeated. The Abs Diet food suggestions — which I have outlined here – include tons of generous suggestions. It is easier to remember this diet is about what you […]

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